Privacy Policy

About Interesting Facts of Science:
Interesting Facts of science collects information such as cooking tips, beautician tips, and much more interesting facts about science. We will share you the right things about science
Privacy Policy
The privacy policy considers how Interesting Facts uses and protects any information that you give. Interesting Facts ensures that your privacy is protected. We should ask you to provide certain information by which you can identified when using this website, we do not share your information with anybody and do not use it commercial purpose. Interesting Facts may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page to ensure that you are agreeing with any changes.
Interesting Facts is a website created to provide informational content. We declaring that the content on the website would not be affected anybody.
Comments Made by Users are Not Interesting Facts Derivatives
The Interesting Facts visitors are allowed to post their comments in this website. Even though content is present on the site, we do not hold the responsibility of the ideas and content.  This site administrator has complete rights to remove any unwanted contents.
The Associated Risks of Accessing Internet
The Interesting Facts is committed to ensuring the information is secure and the Interesting Facts has link of lot of sites and services. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide while visiting such sites and they are not governed by this privacy statement.
Financial Information
The Interesting Facts website does not ask your credit card details and password anywhere. So kindly do not offer such kind of information anywhere.
About Google Advertising
Any advertisements served by Google, Inc., may be controlled using cookies. These cookies allow Google to display ads based on your visits to this site and other sites that use Google advertising services. Learn how to opt out of Google’s cookie usage. As mentioned above, any tracking done by Google through cookies and other mechanisms is subject to Google’s own privacy policies. Check out more about Google ad and content network privacy policy here
Cookies Policy
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer. Once you agree, the file is added then it helps you to analyze the data. With the help of cookie, we save your customization information. However, these files do not capture any personal information. There may be few cookies in Interesting Facts used by third party providers as well.
User Information Usage
Interesting Facts makes use of Google Analytics for tracking purposes and statistical analysis. Therefore some of your details like Address, Browser and OS etc may be recorded by our website. However, we assure that the information is made use only for status and not shared with anybody else.
Terms of use:
You should not use our content on any blog, printed publications. If you are interested to use our content, you need to give accurate attribution on the website.  If you are going to publish the content on printed publication, you have to contact site admin to get permission. Once permission allowed, then only you have rights to do that. If i found any such instance there would be action taken against the party who involved in copying. A complaint would be filed against the party and the web hosting company to have the account of such parties suspended. You have to careful in this.

Images and contents:
All the images updated in the site is downloaded from the google free images. Images are updated without any watermarks. Some of the Images are hosted in our server. Incase, if any body has any kind of objection on the posts and images on this blog, then please contact us with valid identity and such posts will be removed immediately. All images and videos links contained in this blog were found on the internet. If by anyhow any of them is offensive to you, please, contact us asking for the removal. If you own copyrights over any of them and do not agree with it being shown here, please send us an email with ownership proof and we will remove it soon.


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